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Agreement on Government Procurement Switzerland

The Agreement on Government Procurement, also known as the GPA, is a unique international instrument that aims to open up government procurement markets to competition. This agreement aims to eliminate discrimination in public procurement based on nationality, as well as to promote the principles of transparency, accountability, and non-discrimination in government procurement procedures.

Switzerland is one of the signatories to the GPA, having joined the agreement in 1996. As a result, Swiss companies are able to participate in government procurement processes in many other countries that are also signatories to the agreement. Likewise, foreign companies are able to compete for government procurement contracts in Switzerland on an equal footing with domestic suppliers.

The GPA sets out a framework for government procurement that is open, transparent, and competitive. This means that all eligible suppliers have a fair chance to bid for government contracts, provided they meet the necessary requirements. The agreement also requires that procurement procedures be conducted in a transparent and non-discriminatory manner, with clear and objective criteria for the award of contracts.

Aside from promoting fair competition, the GPA also aims to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of government procurement processes. By opening up procurement processes to competition, governments are able to secure better value for money and improve the quality of goods and services procured. This can also lead to the development of more innovative solutions and the promotion of sustainable procurement practices.

Furthermore, the GPA also includes provisions for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which may face particular challenges in accessing government procurement markets. The agreement requires that governments provide information and assist SMEs in accessing procurement opportunities and participating in procurement processes. This can help to promote SMEs’ participation in government procurement and contribute to their growth and competitiveness.

In summary, the Agreement on Government Procurement Switzerland is an integral part of the country’s efforts to promote fair, transparent, and competitive procurement processes. The agreement enables Swiss companies to compete in public procurement markets around the world, while also ensuring that foreign companies have access to government procurement opportunities in Switzerland. By promoting fair competition, the GPA contributes to the development of more efficient and effective procurement processes, better value for money, and the promotion of sustainable procurement practices.
