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Coles Smeaton Grange Enterprise Agreement

Coles Smeaton Grange Enterprise Agreement: What You Need to Know

Coles Smeaton Grange has recently made headlines with its new enterprise agreement. The agreement, which covers more than 500 workers, has been a topic of discussion among industry experts and employees alike. But what is it exactly and what does it mean for those working at Coles Smeaton Grange?

What is the Coles Smeaton Grange Enterprise Agreement?

An enterprise agreement is a legally binding agreement made between an employer and its employees that outlines the terms and conditions of employment. It covers a wide range of issues such as wages, hours of work, leave entitlements, and other employment conditions.

The Coles Smeaton Grange Enterprise Agreement is the agreement made between Coles and its workers at the Smeaton Grange distribution center in New South Wales. The agreement came into effect in March 2021 and is set to expire in March 2024.

What are the key features of the agreement?

The key features of the Coles Smeaton Grange Enterprise Agreement include:

1. Wage Increases: The agreement provides for wage increases of between 4% and 7.5% over the life of the agreement. This means that workers will receive a pay rise each year for the next three years.

2. Secure Employment: The agreement provides for secure employment by limiting the use of casual and labor-hire employees. This means that workers will have more job security and stability.

3. Flexible Working Arrangements: The agreement provides for flexible working arrangements such as part-time and job-sharing arrangements. This means that workers can negotiate their working hours to better suit their personal circumstances.

4. Leave Entitlements: The agreement provides for increased leave entitlements such as paid parental leave, compassionate leave, and family and domestic violence leave. This means that workers will have greater support during difficult times.

What does the agreement mean for workers at Coles Smeaton Grange?

The Coles Smeaton Grange Enterprise Agreement is a positive development for workers at Coles Smeaton Grange. The agreement provides for wage increases, secure employment, flexible working arrangements, and increased leave entitlements. This means that workers will have greater job security, better working conditions, and increased support during difficult times.

In conclusion, the Coles Smeaton Grange Enterprise Agreement is an important step forward for workers at Coles Smeaton Grange. The agreement provides for fair and reasonable employment conditions that benefit both workers and the company. As a result, it is likely to have a positive impact on productivity, employee morale, and the overall success of the company.
